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Archived Video: Kevin Smith Show Filipov Files
This is a comprehensive report from the late Kevin Smith about the strange happenings associated with Professor Filipov(Bulgaria Academy of Sciences) and his UFO statements after being contacted by extraterrestrials.
Xpeditions TV – Cumbemayo
Cumbemayo: Sacred Water Xpeditions TV ArchiveDuration: 00:41:40 The Andes, a land woven with mysteries and ancient wonders, never ceases to amaze those who traverse its rugged landscapes. One such marvel that stands out in the highlands above Cajamarca, Peru, is a...
Prologue: Jerry and Kathy’s Fantastic Journey
May 22nd, 2018 "Fantastic Journey" kicks off with Jerry telling the full story about a series of mystically inspired events that eventually brought Jerry to cross paths with Kathy, a farm girl from southeastern Nebraska. Visceral supernatural forces moved them in...
Healers Health Tips: Nootropics, Hormones, and Life 1/7/19
Nootropics, Hormones, and Life Broadcast Date: January 7th, 2019Duration: 2:15:08 As we journey through life, accumulating wisdom and knowledge, it's a poignant reality that many of us will face the challenge of declining cognitive functions and awareness. This...
Interview: Prof. Lachezar Filipov ET Contact and Message
During the winter of 2010, Professor Lachezar Filipov (senior scientist and PH.D. astrophysicist) distributed an important press release. In that release, he announced to the world stage he and his colleagues at the Bulgaria Academy of Sciences had personally met with...
Interview: The Amazing Ron Palmistry
The Amazing Ron: Palmistry Broadcast Date: June 4th, 2018Duration: 1:53:58 Welcome to another intriguing episode from The Café at the End of the Universe, a place where extraordinary people and extraordinary stories converge. Today, we're excited to introduce you to...
The Jerry Wills Show: Open Lines
Broadcast: November 26th Run Time: Apx. 1 Hour 50 minutes The Navajo Rangers were scheduled for this broadcast. However, one of them was not available and their appearance on the show was postponed until next week. Tonight, Jerry opens the phone lines to discusses...
Interview: Jamie Clark Psychic Medium
Jamie Clark: Psychic Broadcast Date: June 11th, 2018Duration: 2:01:44 For this episode, we have the pleasure of featuring Jamie Clark, a person whose life story and abilities are as extraordinary as they are inspiring. Jamie has been profoundly psychic since...
Paranormal Stories Ep11: The Navajo Rangers
Paranormal Stories Ep11: The Navajo Rangers Duration: 2:40:54 In the vast, mystical landscape of the Navajo Nation, where ancient traditions meet the modern world, Jon Dover and Stan Milford stand as unique figures in law enforcement. These two seasoned professionals...
Interview: Regina Meredith
Interview: Regina Meredith Broadcast Date: June 15th, 2018Duration: 2:19:14 Our friend Regina Meredith recently visited us at The Café at the End of the Universe, and the experience was absolutely fantastic! Regina, well-known for her engaging appearances on Gaia and...