Next Broadcast: May 8th, 2019
Time: Uncertain
Tomorrow The Phaeton lifts off to begin the next leg of our journey. We should arrive to Omaha by 1pm to begin our visit with Professor David Pares, inventor of the Warp Drive. Our GPS tracking system will be active. If you are a member you can follow our trip . Members have the secure link to access this.
Yes, there really IS a working warp drive engine in Omaha!
Once we land and get set up we will begin our LIVE coverage of that visit.
During the visit we will have an informal and conversational interview with Professor Pares as we explore his laboratory and look over his equipment.
Later that evening (probably after 6pm Central) Prof. Pares has a cookout planned and he has invited his group who are deeply involved in paranormal research. After the cookout, when the timing is best, we will fire up the next LIVE broadcast to interview the research group. I’m told they have quite a lot to tell us. This should be quite a great visit… And, we want you with us!
I cannot tell you exact timing. All this will happen when it the best time to do it. So, be sure you have alerts set on the LIVE Broadcast page on Facebook. We hope it fits your schedule since this will be quite an interesting visit : ) However, if you cannot tune in the broadcasts archives will be available on LIVE Broadcasts.
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Don’t be left out! This LIVE series will only be viewable within LIVE Broadcasts for our supporters. If you want to watch you will need to be a supporter. You can become a supporter by visiting and pledging $2 or more. Read through the support tiers and find a support level that works best for you. In case you’re wondering, the most popular support level begins at $15. All the really groovy stuff is there!
Best Wishes
Kathy & Jerry